
Steps Program

Aibonito, Puerto Rico

Pilgrim’s Gift Will Help Provide Education, Food, Recreational Services

The Steps Program is a non-profit that includes a food bank and community lunch/dinner room where seniors, children and the homeless can have meals. The Pilgrim’s gift will help purchase kitchen equipment, tables and chairs, as well as upgrade electrical infrastructure.

Partner: City of Aibonito
Target Completion Date: February 2021

Footprint in Aibonito

To-Ricos opened its doors as the first poultry facility in Puerto Rico in 1958, in a small town in the center part of the island, Aibonito. The opening initiated a revolution in the Puerto Rican poultry industry, producing the first ready-to-cook product.

Growers: 33
Payments to Growers: $5.3M+
Payroll Taxes: $1M+


Team Members

$ 10 M+


$ 3.2 M+
